
25 Years of Infofest

Tijana Ostojić
Tijana Ostojić
October 22, 2018

Infofest, or Festival of Informational Technology Achievements, is a central ICT event of international character in the region. In addition to the discussion panels and presentations, the festival’s program includes thematic conferences, lectures, exhibitions, consultations, and seminars.

During the festival, representatives of Bild Studio participated in the panel “ICT Sector in Montenegro” organized by the Association for Information and Communication Technologies of the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro. During the presentation block of the program, attended by Montenegrin IT companies, Boško Kartal, a business development associate, and I presented Bild Studio at its best. We had the opportunity to present to the audience the current and previously successfully realized projects, the awards we received, and what makes Bild Studio so unique. And if you are to take us on our word, and you should, the strength of Bild Studio is in its people.

In addition to the presentation program, we attended the panel themed “Inspiring Women in ICT”, within the Erasmus+ project “Support to Young Women from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro in Entrepreneurship, Employment, and Leadership in IT”. This project aims to educate and develop the entrepreneurial spirit of young girls from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, prompting them to bravely step out on and begin their career in the ICT sector through practice, informal education and transfer of knowledge and skills by the European partners.

During the panel, participants spoke about their experiences in the ICT sector and the reasons for choosing this career path. Among the participants were Aleksandra Bošković, executive director, and Amra Jukić back-end engineer, representatives of Bild Studio.

Events like Infofest are an opportunity to introduce to the general public the policy of our agency and to inspire colleagues from other companies, as well as the youth who is at the beginning of their careers. We will be pleased to support this and the similar events in the future.

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