On Tuesday, May 17th The Chamber of Commerce organized a lecture in Podgorica “Influencer in marketing”.
It might be hard to believe, but there are still some companies which rely on traditional marketing, a method that ceased to be successful a decade ago. With the introduction of new technologies, marketing is changing rapidly, presenting a new way of reaching customers.
Progress in technology brought us a new way in which we interact and communicate with potential customers. The unique style of communication is more personal and results in innovative professions and jobs that will help a brand reach a more extensive customer base.
It is no secret that nowadays, social media is an essential part of people’s everyday lives. Communication plays out through a variety of social media channels; we look for breaking news, brands and stores on our favourite social media platforms. Therefore, it is no wonder that influencers have a significant role in digital marketing since they have a tremendous impact on their followers base following, whether on the web or social media.
Although they advertise, influencers also speak from experience. They tend to be the first ones to try a product or service, upon which they talk about it in a refreshingly honest way. And what is a better way to engage more people than to speak from experience?
Research shows us that businesses or brands which rely on influencer marketing, gain impressive returns.
Therefore, who’s to say we cannot speak of influencers as a completely new profession on the labour market.
So, what does it mean to be an Influencer in Montenegro?
Adriana Vešović- @zombijana known as Zombiana Bones through social media known as Zombiana Bones, had social platforms turn to her advantage as she made her portfolio through social networks. It is not only the work style her illustrations communicate to the audience, rather she tells us about herself and the way she thinks about the world.
Nataša Gardašević – @njezvanova, Kana Tomašević – @kana_tomasevic, Milena Pajović – @milena_p_ and Kristina Mihailović executive director of the Association Parents, all talked about the advantages and disadvantages of being an influencer in Montenegro and how many companies recognize the importance of this profession. It has become apparent today that consumers are looking for information online before they decide to buy a product. Due to this, advertising no longer comes down to a story about product characteristics. Instead, it is about customer satisfaction. That is why influencers and bloggers play a crucial role in this business since the recommendation of a particular brand is more effective than the advertisement itself.

Recently, it became evident that brands are rapidly learning about the advantages of cooperation with influencers. We cannot say we are not glad to have witnessed the shift.
The most crucial tip we heard during the lecture went along these lines – if you want to be successful in this line of work, you need to love what you are doing, create a strategy for future cooperation and always share your private life with the online community. It appears that this is the only way you can engage with followers and gain their trust.
When you receive your first business offer, make sure professionalism and dedication make a top priority on your to-do list.