Bild Summer Internship is an example of how one can move mountains only with hard work and patience, which resulted in one month longer internship period. Unexpectedly, we became a part of a Bild “Autumn” Internship.

During this three-month period, 12 interns gained practical knowledge and skills in the field of design, marketing, and Information Technology. From the start, we had an opportunity to work with top experts and be accepted as a part of the team. In addition to daily work with mentors, once a week we exchanged knowledge with fellow-colleagues in a form of presentation and discussion, where we presented previously learned and that way we introduced each other to the latest industry trends in the area of IT, marketing and design.

What helped us most to gain new knowledge?
When we started working on commercial projects, with an increased number of tasks on daily basis, we were not always in the mood for the exchange of knowledge, as a special kind of workshop. However, if we summarize results of this three-month period, our progress is evident. Perhaps the best indicator is the projects with which we’ve signed up for the internship – when we look at them now, they cause laughter and feeling of discomfort, at the same time. We were not always at our best, but it was not even expected from entries (luckily :) ). Each of our mistakes was followed with constructive criticism; every problem has been solved on-site or we have been referred to the literature to gain knowledge and solve it by ourselves. Fear of the first mistake has been reduced with each new assignment, because what is a mistake than just another opportunity for learning.

VLP Hackathon Competition!
Marketing, Design and IT cooperated on a daily basis, either through consultations or through joint projects. The highlight of our work together was a hackathon! Hackathon competition tested our teamwork skills, creativity, ability to make a mobile application and to sell it to “investors” i.e. our mentors. That was a real exchange of knowledge, in the form of competition between three teams of interns.
What have we learned?

Bild Summer Internship has enabled us to apply everything we learned in commercial projects. Marketing interns are taught how to research local, regional and international markets for clients from various industries, to make social media plan and monitor results of activities in different social networks, to use SEO tools, communicate with media and clients, to develop sales skills, write content for different communication channels (flyers, brochures, blog articles, slogans, key messages, press releases), to upload content on websites and much more required to become a marketing expert.
Design intern was working on typography, pre-press, application of design to various formats and on improving skills in Adobe programs.
In addition to experience working in a team and the encouraging atmosphere, Backend interns have learned basics of MVC, ASP.NET boilerplate, to create a database in Entity Framework and C # LINQ. Also, they have learned how to make a Web API and how to use Git. Frontend interns were mainly learning about jQuery, AngularJS and Kendo UI.
VLP Survivors
Bild Summer Internship was a challenge for all of us, not so much because of entry knowledge, but mostly because we needed to organize our time, to respect deadlines and adapt to the Bild work tempo. Seven interns are now hired at Bild Studio after successfully completed internship programme: Vesna Božović, Anton Nikprelaj and Slaven Mikulić in the IT sector, Miloš Dimić, Jovana Đuričić and Ljiljana Polić in Marketing and Luka Žarić in Design.

When new internship programme will be launched?
Good news for everyone interested to apply for internship at Bild Studio! In cooperation with Faculty of Information Systems and Technology, University of Donja Gorica, we recently started implementation of the project “The exchange of knowledge between educational and research institutions and the business sector.” This is a mentoring program for students of third and fourth year at university – more details will be shared in our next blog post. Stay tuned! :)