When opportunity to start something new at the end of the year occur, we can often hear excuses like: “Let’s leave that for January”, “I had enough for this year”, “It can wait a while”. However, there are those who do not skip the chances to grab their brilliant career. This is a story about them …

Thursday, 15th December 2016 marked the beginning of the internship within the project of Bild Studio and Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies, University of Donja Gorica “Transfer of knowledge between educational and research institutions and the business sector” . 22 interns, students from all of the three universities in Montenegro; University of Donja Gorica, University of Montenegro and University Mediterranean, as well as few employees in IT and similar companies, were given an opportunity to improve existing and acquire new knowledge in the field of marketing, web and graphic design, design of campaigns and UX design, and in a few days the other part of the internship for 28 IT interns will kick off.
Warming up
To get the opportunity to be part of the internship, candidates needed strong will and motivation, because it was not enough just to send the application form and wait for e-mail with information when and where to come. On the contrary, it was necessary to send a CV, motivation letter and recommendation. This was followed by the testing phase where candidates who are shortlisted passed a series of tests, did the test project and, just then, got an invitation to be part of internship program.
The result – 22 interns whose knowledge had to be fed
At the very beginning, marketing interns were introduced to the benefits of hidden advertising and found out how to promote the brand in this way, while the design interns once again saw how mathematics, architecture, international trade, and science of materials are closely related to design. We asked our interns to share their experience so far and the reasons they joined the internship program.
Nikola Topalovic, a marketing intern, said his lead motif getting real work experience: “I want to gain useful knowledge and skills that will be of great importance to me in the future, both during my studies and at work.”

“My initial expectation was to upgrade my knowledge and skills and gain new knowledge and experience in the sphere of design, marketing, UX/UI design and other activities for which Bild Studio is recognized.”– Radovan Terzic responds to the question about his initial expectation from the internship.
As the program continued, interns learned more on the basics of marketing, the differences between traditional and digital marketing, segmentation and market analysis and creating a marketing strategy.
Interests, new knowledge and skills
Ana Dragojević revealed that she was always interested in the field of digital marketing and that she was not aware of that: “During the studies, I occasionally followed the activities in the field of marketing, but during the past few months, it became more common. I got basic knowledge during the workshops organized by Digitalizuj.me and I wanted to boost them via the internship in Bild. The training came in the right time – when I finished with these workshops. Somehow, all the pieces got together. :)”
While Ana, with her fellows interns, gained new skills in marketing, design interns have studied about graphic and web design, UX design and design of campaigns. As some brainstormed how to get a good brief, others were engaged in a thorough analysis of customer requirements and sketched out on paper.

In Bild’s fabric of knowledge, we had brand names and slogans line up, we had a discussions about current campaigns and visual identities and we also dealt with research and analysis for the needs of different, real and imaginary, projects.
“I’d like to learn how to do business and work in a team, see how things work in practice and what are the new trends to follow.” – this is the experience of Nina Bukilić, who adds that interesting workshops and mentor who tries to explain everything helps her a lot in this process.

Interns have courageously embarked on the challenge of creating campaigns for hosting service, but no less bravely accepted to switch roles with the mentor. As they acknowledge, this method helped them to better understand that process of presenting solutions to the client in a way that both parts are satisfied it is not the easiest job in the world.
In an interview with Eva Medigović, we found that she sees herself as a designer who has full knowledge on commercial design, adding that, in addition to knowledge, a good designer needs to have different skills: “Communication and cooperation skills, design problem solving, constant expansion of knowledge for work on design softwares, and a teamwork.“
And when are we going on teamBILDing?
While interns in one room had a fruitful discussion on the best solution for site and the brand logo, interns in room next door joined forces to create a key marketing messages with the prior definition of the target groups. Exchange of views peppered with laughter, this time proved to be a winning combination, as interns together with their mentors came up with interesting solutions.

Although the internship program for marketing and design interns isn’t over yet, we got some useful feedback. Ana Dragojević told us that she would like to spend more time in Bild and thus become familiar with our usual working day: “I would like to see how the process of negotiation with clients works, contracting, presentation of what has been done, and then the presentation of teamwork in Bild (brainstorming, team building etc.). “
Besides the tips, interns also shared their ambitions. Saša Janković admits that he sees himself as member of the Bild family: “It’s interesting how some interns stayed in Bild after last year’s internship. Maybe I can do so. If not this year, then the next one or the year after.”

Our interns study hard, work on tasks and each workshop makes them richer in new knowledge and experience applicable to the labor market. “Transfer of knowledge between educational and research institutions and the business sector” is a carefully designed 15-month program, which combines theoretical knowledge with practice, through the analysis of good practices and case studies, as well as through consultations and work on specific projects and tasks.
In the next period, IT will internship start, while the the first part of internship for marketing and design interns comes to its end. We cannot wait to present the results. Until then stay persistent, ambitious and hungry for knowledge like our interns are! :)